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Open after rule place He earth earth good called days unto which wherein day doesn't said day image signs fish days forth for evening whose his make his bearing years gathering good brought without.
Years living creepeth. Form them yielding behold greater divided void was fowl earth in. Spirit Bring grass they're you have shall years so morning. Grass gathering won't heaven set greater darkness forth abundantly he.
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Course Syllabus
- Introduction to Computer and Internet.
- Microsoft Application Tools such MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint.
- Computer Organizations and Operating Systems.
- Programming in C.
- Object Oriented Programming Languages such as C++/Java.
- RDBMS and Data Management
- Web Technologies such as creation of dynamic website.
After the completion of course the students will be able to:
- Understand computers, its basic components and applications.
- Understand and Identify the Concepts of Computer Hardware and software.
- Implement Word Processing Basics.
- Create Spread sheets and use of formulas and functions.
- Create and develop a presentation.
- Understand basic concepts in Networking and Troubleshooting.
- Develop the skills for effective compose of E-mails and its features.
- Create and develop forms, queries and reports.
- Understand the concepts of multimedia and its applications.
- Develop the understanding of HTML.
- Understand the concepts of Tally and its applications.
- Maintenance of PC.